Greetings, or as we say in Texas, "howdy."

Welcome to my blog. Grab yourself a cup of coffee, or tea and relax and enjoy watching my walk with God. Daily insights, thoughts, revelations, and frustrations in the life of lil' ol' me, Ima Lamb.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Prayer (Pt 1)

It has been my experience that God does indeed answer prayers...but usually not the way our little pea brains dream of! And definitely not in the time period we hope.
This is a little cartoon from something God showed me when I prayed this prayer.

The other day someone told me a joke that falls in the same line of reasoning as this cartoon. It went like this:
There once was this lady would fervently prayed to God each night,"Dear Lord, please I ask that you help me win the lottery tonight. Not only will I use this money for myself, but for the church, the needy, homeless and others. Please Lord, In Jesus' name I pray amen."

Each night this was her dream she prayed for years, then one night God spoke to her and he said, "Beloved, I will be happy to answer this prayer, but I need you to do one thing for me.

"Yes, Lord, anything!" She answered.

"Buy a ticket!" he told her.


Part two coming tomorrow.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Half Way?

I recently turned 50 years old and I have decided to embrace 50. I plan on looking at this as half way point, because I'm pretty sure I'll live to 100 (a healthy 100). If not that is fine too. Why? Because it's God's will.

I will embrace 50 years of learning about God, growing in my walk. 50 years with family and friends, some who have already been taken to heaven ahead of me. 50 years of mistakes. Years ago I prayed to God to give me wisdom. Here is what I have learned in my 50 years of life.  To gain wisdom you have to do some really stupid things! I thank God for this 50 years, and pray that with wisdom in the next some odd years I have yet,  my eyes are totally taken off self, and turned to God. To glorify Him and share Him with others.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Did He Suffer?

Last night I couldn't get to sleep and  somehow I got to thinking about how horrible it would be if your child died. Then I thought about the first question people ask at this time, "did he (or she) suffer?"  It seems to help if the family knows the lost one didn't suffer.

 This caused my thoughs to turn toward  Jesus, and God. God.  He gave his only (beloved, sinless) Son for us...for me, for you!
John 3:16  " For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life

We are all sinners!
Romans 3:23"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"

What a horrible death Jesus experienced on the cross for us! God turned his eyes from him that horrible moment before Jesus' death:
Matt 27:46,  "About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?'  (which means 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'") when the sins of all were placed on Jesus. Such an extreme and  loving acting from both the Father and Son...who both love us.

As the old hymnal we used to sing says, " I don't know why Jesus loves me, I don't know why he cares. I don't know why he sacrificed his life-OH BUT I'M GLAD...I'M GLAD HE DID!"

How in the world can people say God doesn't love them?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Twiddlin' Thumbs, Tx by Robin Dearth

Twiddlin' Thumbs, Tx.

                                             TWIDDLIN' THUMBS, TX           by Robin Dearth

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's 2012, Do You Know Where Your Sustainer Is?

The other day I was reading in the Bible beginning with the "beginning" which is what "Genesis" means.

My Bible has a little prelude to each of the books. The prelude before the book of Genesis talks about there being something refreshing and optimistic about the words begin, start, commence, and open. They stir hope and imaginative visions of our future. (Now don't tell me when you read the highlighted words your spirit didn't flutter about with excitement and happiness when you read them!)

The prelude talks about the book of Genesis revealing the person and nature of God: Creator, Sustainer, Judge, Redeemer. The word SUSTAINER, stood out and made me think of one the examples our former Pastor had used so often in past. He explained that if the sun was a tad bit closer to the earth we'd burn. Or if it was a tad bit farther, we'd freeze. (He didn't say "tad bit" he had actual numbers there that I don't have at hand or  in my noggin' so if someone out there does know the!)

In my youth I had several of my own awesome "sustainer visions" of the Lord  in my head. I was amazed at how the human body is made!  Just think of batteries, no extension cords, etc.

Being the "visual person" I am I pictured what it would be like it we did run on electricity. I saw myself walking around carrying one or those long, orange extension cords that are so commonly used outside while doing yard work, wrapped around my arm as I traveled to and fro. This made me so thankful to God that we are not made that way!

Thank You Lord God that you are my sustainer, and what I need to do is keep Your truths and promises wrapped around my heart as I go on my way striving to grow closer to You, Lord. You blew into my lungs the same breath of life as You blew into Adam and Eve and that is the sustaining source that keeps us all alive durning our time here.

Thank You Lord that we are not robots that are programmed to love you having no choice in the matter. Free will, the freedom to choose for ourselves who we will love and serve is just another gift you gave us. What meaning would the word love have if it were not to choose? You "let us go" blessing us with gifts of grace, mercy, unconditional love and Your instructional manual/ love letter- the Holy Bible and a means to return to You (the sacrifice of Your only Son)  and much, much more, waiting for us to return of our own decision to live in Fellowship with You.

Our decision to return to You on our own proves to us both how very much we truly do love You. Thank You Father, In Jesus' name a pray, amen.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Deflating Demons

Honestly, it used to seem unfair that Jesus lived a sinless life... because he was, after all, half God and half man. Of course the "God side" of him always overpowered the man side because-GOD! HELLO?!

Then one glorious day God showed me if I truly am a Christian than I have the same advantage! Yes!!!! Little ol' me! Because I have Jesus in me! Jesus= Holy Spirit=God!

Then I had a vision of demons deflating in me. Similar to when you stick a pen in a balloon. New balloons pop quickly. Older balloons when you put a pin in them you have to shove it in there and it still doesn't pop. It slowly leaks out. Some of them you even have to help by pushing the air out of them!

To think, most people say being a Christian is boring! Nothing on earth can compare to the joy I receive when God opens my eyes, revealing to me a little more about Himself!