Thursday, November 24, 2011
No Greater Feeling
Have you ever been reading the Bible when all the sudden "whoosh?" That's the only word that seems to describe what happens when God opens my eyes, ears, and mind to His teaching! And let me tell greater feeling have I yet to experience comes close to the touch of God in my soul!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
I Feel Sorry for People Who...
...don't watch Spongebob Squarepants. This was a comment I made in the car on our long drive home from Ohio. The show is so cute and my family and I are constantly referring back to something funny from the show.
After I made this comment God showed me that the comment I should really make is, "I feel sorry for people who don't know Jesus and don't enjoy the fellowship with the Trinity every day."
When we were up in Ohio, Ali (my nine year old daughter)came inside from playing with a little girl that lives next to Grandma and Grandpa and told me "Brooke is a Christian, too!"
This declaration came out of the blue so I was taken back a bit. "How do you know that, baby?" I questioned.
"I asked her," was her reply as she walked on by to go get a drink of water.
I pray that she always care, and remains bold in her faith, and that I might be that bold as well...because after all: I really do feel sorry for people who don't know Jesus!
After I made this comment God showed me that the comment I should really make is, "I feel sorry for people who don't know Jesus and don't enjoy the fellowship with the Trinity every day."
When we were up in Ohio, Ali (my nine year old daughter)came inside from playing with a little girl that lives next to Grandma and Grandpa and told me "Brooke is a Christian, too!"
This declaration came out of the blue so I was taken back a bit. "How do you know that, baby?" I questioned.
"I asked her," was her reply as she walked on by to go get a drink of water.
I pray that she always care, and remains bold in her faith, and that I might be that bold as well...because after all: I really do feel sorry for people who don't know Jesus!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Adam and Eve. There was a time not too many years past that I considered Eve to be such a weak and selfish woman. But God showed me: she was the first. The first woman, wife, mama, grandma, neighbor....but...who was she to learn from? Her "mama?" Her sister, Aunt, Grandma, neighbor, etc? She was "the first" of many women to listen to the Devils delicious, scrumptious, ingenious (how he makes them sound soooo righteous)LIES.
"It was because of my fathers, aunt, who's cousin's, nephew was 'messed up' because his dog died when he was six- gene," that could be her "excuse."
She didn't have "outs" like we do. Books, upon, books, upon what makes us "tick."
Man. She didn't even have the Bible! Think and ponder. Chew on this, meditate on this Bible: Gods love letter, manuel, to mankind. Again, I say: "Man."
(Too be continued....)
"It was because of my fathers, aunt, who's cousin's, nephew was 'messed up' because his dog died when he was six- gene," that could be her "excuse."
She didn't have "outs" like we do. Books, upon, books, upon what makes us "tick."
Man. She didn't even have the Bible! Think and ponder. Chew on this, meditate on this Bible: Gods love letter, manuel, to mankind. Again, I say: "Man."
(Too be continued....)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Inner Insight: Proof
GENESIS 2:7 "the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being."
In my Life Application Bible the notes at the bottom say this about this passage: "'From the dust of the ground' implies that there is nothing fancy about the chemical elements in our bodies. The body is a useless shell until God brings it alive with his 'breath of life.' When God removes this life giving breath, our bodies once again return to dust. Therefore our life and worth come from God's Spirit."
Several months ago I went to a funeral and as in all funerals I've been to we all had our turn to view the body. As I approached the body it was obvious that Mr. Brother in Christ was no longer in attendance...all I was viewing was his temple of God for the last some odd years. Before I had even read the verse above and it's notes I remember thinking "that's just an empty shell. Like a locust shell you happen on that is empty."
This is proof to me that I am saved by faith and through Jesus' death on the cross. Because the Holy Spirit in me revealed this knowledge to me. I know I have probably read this in the Bible hundreds of times-but forgot. The Holy Spirit, however, brought it back from the depths of my memory (which has been nothing to brag about lately) to teach me more and deeper knowledge about our Lord.
Another time that is proof that Holy Spirit is at work is as a child I always had this feeling that I was being "watched." As if I were on stage playing out a role that was not rehearsed but about who I really was and was becoming. Like an actor on stage I could almost hear groans from my fans (saints in Heaven) as I did wrong, cheers as I made good decisions, and tears as I was hurt for one reason or another. Over forty years later as I was reading Randy Alcorn's book: HEAVEN he talked about the Saints in Heaven cheering us on! There is a Bible verse that was there to verify this...I will find it and add it on in the future.
There is no way as a little child who didn't go to church or Sunday School at the time could possibly know this! This was given to me by God, who I have always known and been aware of since my first memories (read about this under my blog TESTIMONY).
Throughout my life this has been the pattern: Sometimes the Bible verified what God has already shown me...and sometimes God verifies truths from the Bible in the happenings of my life. Man.
In my Life Application Bible the notes at the bottom say this about this passage: "'From the dust of the ground' implies that there is nothing fancy about the chemical elements in our bodies. The body is a useless shell until God brings it alive with his 'breath of life.' When God removes this life giving breath, our bodies once again return to dust. Therefore our life and worth come from God's Spirit."
Several months ago I went to a funeral and as in all funerals I've been to we all had our turn to view the body. As I approached the body it was obvious that Mr. Brother in Christ was no longer in attendance...all I was viewing was his temple of God for the last some odd years. Before I had even read the verse above and it's notes I remember thinking "that's just an empty shell. Like a locust shell you happen on that is empty."
This is proof to me that I am saved by faith and through Jesus' death on the cross. Because the Holy Spirit in me revealed this knowledge to me. I know I have probably read this in the Bible hundreds of times-but forgot. The Holy Spirit, however, brought it back from the depths of my memory (which has been nothing to brag about lately) to teach me more and deeper knowledge about our Lord.
Another time that is proof that Holy Spirit is at work is as a child I always had this feeling that I was being "watched." As if I were on stage playing out a role that was not rehearsed but about who I really was and was becoming. Like an actor on stage I could almost hear groans from my fans (saints in Heaven) as I did wrong, cheers as I made good decisions, and tears as I was hurt for one reason or another. Over forty years later as I was reading Randy Alcorn's book: HEAVEN he talked about the Saints in Heaven cheering us on! There is a Bible verse that was there to verify this...I will find it and add it on in the future.
There is no way as a little child who didn't go to church or Sunday School at the time could possibly know this! This was given to me by God, who I have always known and been aware of since my first memories (read about this under my blog TESTIMONY).
Throughout my life this has been the pattern: Sometimes the Bible verified what God has already shown me...and sometimes God verifies truths from the Bible in the happenings of my life. Man.
Friday, May 13, 2011
In This Beginning
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning....."
This is confusing to a lot of folk....self included. But I had insight from God the other day.
I used to wonder what did God do before "In the Beginning." Nothing? Then one day He showed me.
I had been toying with a story called "In Vain" about a town named Vain. But the key word here is "vain." Are we so vain as to believe we are the first.... the only in all the galaxies out there...the only ones God created? I believe God showed me that "In the beginning" means in the beginning of our world.
When my girls ask me something I know they cannot comprehend at this age in their lives I tease with them and tell them "none ya" meaning none ya business. Right's "none ya" because if God tried to explain...we wouldn't...couldn't get it. It just isn't time. Actually from God it's really not "none ya..." it's have faith.
This is confusing to a lot of folk....self included. But I had insight from God the other day.
I used to wonder what did God do before "In the Beginning." Nothing? Then one day He showed me.
I had been toying with a story called "In Vain" about a town named Vain. But the key word here is "vain." Are we so vain as to believe we are the first.... the only in all the galaxies out there...the only ones God created? I believe God showed me that "In the beginning" means in the beginning of our world.
When my girls ask me something I know they cannot comprehend at this age in their lives I tease with them and tell them "none ya" meaning none ya business. Right's "none ya" because if God tried to explain...we wouldn't...couldn't get it. It just isn't time. Actually from God it's really not "none ya..." it's have faith.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
The first memory of my life faded in when I was about 3 years old. I “woke up” in the top of the Oak tree in the back yard…way up high in the trees. My two guardian angels were with me in the midst of explaining they were going to have to go now that I'm older. Though I couldn’t remember a lot of detail as they were fading from my memory fast…I knew this was true…not “play- like” with an imaginary friend. They let me know they'd still be there but not in this realm where I could see them.
Suddenly I slipped and fell. Me! I remember thinking how weird this was. Falling from the top of the tree I remember did this happen to ME!? My parent called me a "monkey" because I have always been so sure footed and agile. But then out of nowhere my hand was grabbed and placed firmly on a branch so that I could stop the fall! I felt happened...thank you Guardian Angels and God who sent them.
You know the drill- blank spots here and there. But two things that were always consistent were: I knew I was special and would do great things....and that God was there everywhere I went. I saw Him in the wind, the trees, birds, and people. I felt Him watching me, loving me, teaching me, laughing with me and crying with me. I felt His disappointment in me, but at the same time always opening and closing doors to get me back on the right track.
Cocky little child wasn’t I? In my young little naive mind the feeling that I had “the call” to be special was immediately interpreted in the world’s viewpoint of special. You know… famous for one thing or another. This misinterpretation followed me well through life. But this feeling of being someone special is true just not in the form I had first thought of.
All the children God has called and saved through their receiving His gift of sending Jesus to die and bridge the gap to Him are special. The children that hear Jesus’ knocking at the door of our heart and soul and simply ask Him in…they are special too. Jesus had come to my door and I finally asked Him in when I was in the sixth grade.
Through faith. Because at this point though God was sooo very real to me, Jesus was like a cartoon picture in my head. But through faith I asked Him into my heart to be my Lord and Savior, and my best friend.
It really irritated me that I only had this “cartoon vision” of him in my mind. I so wanted to see Him. And one day I did years later. Was it when I had become the beautiful, loving, pure Godly woman that I so desired to be? Naw! Get this…Jesus became real to me at a time in my life when I became the person I soooo hated that I couldn’t even stand to look at myself in the mirror.
Like Peter who was horrified at the thought that he would actually deny Jesus three times, I was horrified at the things I had done that had always been disgusted by when I saw others doing them.
But this is why He had to come to save me…and this is the thing that finally “clicked” and I saw Jesus as real being…when I saw He loved me so much just like I was. I was at a point I hated myself, but He showed me His love for me…so undeserved. Things have never been the same since!
Suddenly I slipped and fell. Me! I remember thinking how weird this was. Falling from the top of the tree I remember did this happen to ME!? My parent called me a "monkey" because I have always been so sure footed and agile. But then out of nowhere my hand was grabbed and placed firmly on a branch so that I could stop the fall! I felt happened...thank you Guardian Angels and God who sent them.
You know the drill- blank spots here and there. But two things that were always consistent were: I knew I was special and would do great things....and that God was there everywhere I went. I saw Him in the wind, the trees, birds, and people. I felt Him watching me, loving me, teaching me, laughing with me and crying with me. I felt His disappointment in me, but at the same time always opening and closing doors to get me back on the right track.
Cocky little child wasn’t I? In my young little naive mind the feeling that I had “the call” to be special was immediately interpreted in the world’s viewpoint of special. You know… famous for one thing or another. This misinterpretation followed me well through life. But this feeling of being someone special is true just not in the form I had first thought of.
All the children God has called and saved through their receiving His gift of sending Jesus to die and bridge the gap to Him are special. The children that hear Jesus’ knocking at the door of our heart and soul and simply ask Him in…they are special too. Jesus had come to my door and I finally asked Him in when I was in the sixth grade.
Through faith. Because at this point though God was sooo very real to me, Jesus was like a cartoon picture in my head. But through faith I asked Him into my heart to be my Lord and Savior, and my best friend.
It really irritated me that I only had this “cartoon vision” of him in my mind. I so wanted to see Him. And one day I did years later. Was it when I had become the beautiful, loving, pure Godly woman that I so desired to be? Naw! Get this…Jesus became real to me at a time in my life when I became the person I soooo hated that I couldn’t even stand to look at myself in the mirror.
Like Peter who was horrified at the thought that he would actually deny Jesus three times, I was horrified at the things I had done that had always been disgusted by when I saw others doing them.
But this is why He had to come to save me…and this is the thing that finally “clicked” and I saw Jesus as real being…when I saw He loved me so much just like I was. I was at a point I hated myself, but He showed me His love for me…so undeserved. Things have never been the same since!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Let's Go Together
Yesterday as I was drving to pick my oldest daughter up from High School after her Colorguard practice I couldn't help but notice the sky. My younger daughter, 9 years old was in the front seat next to me. I was leaning over my steering wheel lookin up and she said,"what are you looking at mom?"
"The sky...look at how weird it looks. Dark clouds one on top of the other just over that one area." I replied.
"Yeah," she agreed. "It does look weird."
I looked at her and smiled and said, "Hey, maybe Jesus is fixing to return!" She smiled too. Then I said, "Here, hold my hand...let's go together!"
So we held hands as we drove to pick up Ci.
Funny thing is, a couple of days ago I went out the front door to tell Cigi something. She was out there visiting with her friend across the street. I walked out on the porch and her cell phone, diet Dr. Pepper can was laying there but no Cigi! My first thought was "I got left behind!" Then Cigi came from inside the house she had went in to get something, somehow I didn't hear her come in.
"What are you doing, mom?" she asked. I laughed and told her what just had happened. She said, "Sheese, mom...don't you hear the neighbor mowing their lawn?"
I laughed and said "Yeah...I thought he got left behind too!"
Wonder why this has been on my mind lately? I tell you one thing, it sure makes you wonder about where you'll be, who you'll be with, and what you'll be doing when Jesus returns.
"The sky...look at how weird it looks. Dark clouds one on top of the other just over that one area." I replied.
"Yeah," she agreed. "It does look weird."
I looked at her and smiled and said, "Hey, maybe Jesus is fixing to return!" She smiled too. Then I said, "Here, hold my hand...let's go together!"
So we held hands as we drove to pick up Ci.
Funny thing is, a couple of days ago I went out the front door to tell Cigi something. She was out there visiting with her friend across the street. I walked out on the porch and her cell phone, diet Dr. Pepper can was laying there but no Cigi! My first thought was "I got left behind!" Then Cigi came from inside the house she had went in to get something, somehow I didn't hear her come in.
"What are you doing, mom?" she asked. I laughed and told her what just had happened. She said, "Sheese, mom...don't you hear the neighbor mowing their lawn?"
I laughed and said "Yeah...I thought he got left behind too!"
Wonder why this has been on my mind lately? I tell you one thing, it sure makes you wonder about where you'll be, who you'll be with, and what you'll be doing when Jesus returns.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Little Nuggets
SPECIAL NOTE: This is a semi-true story. Well, actually the only part that is true is the part about being held up at a stop light waiting for a chicken to cross the road. It was done in fun on the way home to Texas by me with valued input from my brother and sister. They seem to think I "tweak" my stories to make myself look like the sainted hero...imagine that! My mother, brother, sister, Aunt J and Cousin C are the sweetest, most fun people you could ever wish to know.
The last week of March I talked brother and sister (it took quite a lot of coaxing) into joining me on a trek to Arkansas. I really felt the urge from above to drive mama…my poor little, precious, almost 80 year old mother back “home.”
There are so many tales of inspiration that occurred while we were there but this one really stands out in my mind the most, at least today.
We were coming back from a long day traveling up and over through the Ozark Mountains; through mothers “memory lane.” Having arrived back to Rogers safely we were all wiping the tears from our eyes as we were sitting in sisters SUV, laughing at something cute I had said. The light turned green and brother pressed on the gas pedal. The vehicle slowly started moving but brother was forced to slam on the brakes as the two cars in front of us suddenly stopped. We noticed the lane to our left was at a halt as well.
We sat there a couple seconds when tempers began to flare. With the exception of self… sister, mother, brother, Aunt J and cousin C. all began cursing and waving balled up fists to the cars ahead.
My face flushed red not from anger but embarrassment as mother, brother, sister, cousin and aunt flew off the handle over this inconvenient situation. I remained calm in my never ending Christian state of mind. You can imagine my embarrassment for their behavior… especially brothers, a deacon of his church.
Being the peacemaker that I am I knew what I needed to do. To everybody’s surprise I opened the door, hopped out and walk smoothly up towards the commotion. As I walked, I reached in to my front blue jean pocket and took out a pack of gum. As the reason for the commotion came into my view, I finished unwrapping the packet , slid out a stick of gum,(spearmint flavor as it relaxes me), unwrapped a piece and popped it into my mouth.
“Well hello there.” I said tenderly to the frightened chicken in the road.
I flinched as the verbal abuse continued…not from the verbal abuse but from the various items that were being flung at us. Who knew Aunt J had such a great arm! She hit me dead in the forehead with her cane (which I later returned to her polished and complete with a new rubber tip because the old one had gotten damaged when the doctor removed it hours later from my head) for this is just my nature.
I deducted I needed to take action quickly as the impatient motorist inched closer. The poor little terrified chicken just stood there like a deer in headlights…frozen. I laid my body down across the two lane road between the chicken and cars, stretching as long as my petite little body would allow; sacrificing myself for this chicken, one of God’s little creations.
Amidst all this honking and yelling the little creature began to focus on my soothing voice which encouraged it onward by saying, “Shoo, little chicken…shoo.”
With the little chicken now safely on the other side of the road, I returned to our vehicle to a car full of speechless, enamored relatives satisfied with myself and the end results. We drove past the chicken and I waved a humbled wave to little chicken as I saw it turn and head up towards the fast food building in the parking lot it had caused such a stink to get over to…McDonalds.
LAST NOTE: Oh, and the other part of the story that was true the chicken did cross the road to get to McDonald's restaurant!
The last week of March I talked brother and sister (it took quite a lot of coaxing) into joining me on a trek to Arkansas. I really felt the urge from above to drive mama…my poor little, precious, almost 80 year old mother back “home.”
There are so many tales of inspiration that occurred while we were there but this one really stands out in my mind the most, at least today.
We were coming back from a long day traveling up and over through the Ozark Mountains; through mothers “memory lane.” Having arrived back to Rogers safely we were all wiping the tears from our eyes as we were sitting in sisters SUV, laughing at something cute I had said. The light turned green and brother pressed on the gas pedal. The vehicle slowly started moving but brother was forced to slam on the brakes as the two cars in front of us suddenly stopped. We noticed the lane to our left was at a halt as well.
We sat there a couple seconds when tempers began to flare. With the exception of self… sister, mother, brother, Aunt J and cousin C. all began cursing and waving balled up fists to the cars ahead.
My face flushed red not from anger but embarrassment as mother, brother, sister, cousin and aunt flew off the handle over this inconvenient situation. I remained calm in my never ending Christian state of mind. You can imagine my embarrassment for their behavior… especially brothers, a deacon of his church.
Being the peacemaker that I am I knew what I needed to do. To everybody’s surprise I opened the door, hopped out and walk smoothly up towards the commotion. As I walked, I reached in to my front blue jean pocket and took out a pack of gum. As the reason for the commotion came into my view, I finished unwrapping the packet , slid out a stick of gum,(spearmint flavor as it relaxes me), unwrapped a piece and popped it into my mouth.
“Well hello there.” I said tenderly to the frightened chicken in the road.
I flinched as the verbal abuse continued…not from the verbal abuse but from the various items that were being flung at us. Who knew Aunt J had such a great arm! She hit me dead in the forehead with her cane (which I later returned to her polished and complete with a new rubber tip because the old one had gotten damaged when the doctor removed it hours later from my head) for this is just my nature.
I deducted I needed to take action quickly as the impatient motorist inched closer. The poor little terrified chicken just stood there like a deer in headlights…frozen. I laid my body down across the two lane road between the chicken and cars, stretching as long as my petite little body would allow; sacrificing myself for this chicken, one of God’s little creations.
Amidst all this honking and yelling the little creature began to focus on my soothing voice which encouraged it onward by saying, “Shoo, little chicken…shoo.”
With the little chicken now safely on the other side of the road, I returned to our vehicle to a car full of speechless, enamored relatives satisfied with myself and the end results. We drove past the chicken and I waved a humbled wave to little chicken as I saw it turn and head up towards the fast food building in the parking lot it had caused such a stink to get over to…McDonalds.
LAST NOTE: Oh, and the other part of the story that was true the chicken did cross the road to get to McDonald's restaurant!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
My family and I went to Eureka Springs, Arkansas the last half of spring break this past week. It was sooooo wonderful and beautiful! We had such a great time I love my family they are so fun to be with.
We visited Pea Ridge, War Eagle Mill, and War Eagle Mill Caverns. The scenery was so breath taking!
With every turn of my head I was rewarded with pictures of God's handiwork. The beautiful mountains, refreshing springs, caverns with such independant beauty in and of theirselves. Hollows, valleys, wildlife...and it made me think.
The poor unfortunate people who try to convince theirselves that there is no God need to go here. They need to open their eyes, close their Wi Fi's and be still... as they drink in Gods glory. Then it shouldn't be long before they declare, "Eureka!" As they find God.
Eureka Springs,
God's handywork,
Pea Ridge,
War eagle Mill
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Getting Serious

1 = tie
2 = Noah
3 = mom
4 = rye
5 = law
Wonder what in the world is going on here? I'm getting serious. The devil knows the Bible all too well, as a christian I should know it just as well. For self defense. The 1-5 is a technique I learned in Harry Lorrayne's book Super Memory Super Student.
We are going to learn to associate a number with a picture. 1 looks like a T so we are going to use the picture tie. 2, n has two down stokes so lets use the word Noah to represent 2. 3, the letter m has three down strokes so we will use the word mom for 3. 4, the word FOUR ends in a R so lets use the word rye for number four. Finally, 5. The Roman number for 50 is L so lets make 5 the word law.
Now that I've confused you lets memorize the first five books of the Old Testament in the Holy Bible. Ready? Good!
Genesis is the first book in the bible. Lets use word association for the word Genesis. It sounds like Jenn (short for Jennifer) is this doesn't it? Now picture a tie (#1)with a face and long eyelashes (which represents our cartoon person Jenn). Close your eyes a few minutes and picture this.
Now, lets go a little faster with the rest. Here's what I worked up for you:
Exodus is the second book in the Bible. Sounds like "excite us." Noah is the picture word for the #2. Picture this...Noah excites us (we're on the ark with him) when he tells us the flood is over. Close your eyes picture this.
Leviticus is the third book. Remember 3 is the word picture mom. Mom brings levi's (jeans) to us.Close eyes and picture it.
Numbers is the forth book. Rye is the word picture for us. (It could be rye bread)
Picture loaves of rye bread shaped like numbers. Picture it.
Last but not least...Deuteronomy. The word picture for 5 is law...what will the law do to Ron and Me. Picture it.
What's the 3rd book in the Bible? Hint: 3 is mom.
What's the 5th book in the Bible? Hint: 5 is law.
What's the 1st book? No more hints, sorry.
The 4th book of the Bible is....
The 2nd book of the Bible is....
Did you do it? GOOD!
When teaching my students to dance I have a saying, "Repetition is your friend! Quote, unquote, Robin Dearth." When you have free time driving, washing dishes, or laying in bed at night, go over this.
I don't know about ya'll...but I'm excited!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
It's Morning
It's Morning
by Robin Dearth
"Good lord it's morning," she awoke with a cry,
She lived in darkness despite the sun in the sky.
To arise seemed useless, like chasing the wind,
There seemed no prospect that her pain would end.
Seeing no reason to bother even getting out of bed,
She sank down low, pulling the covers over her head.
Bedside were pills for pain, depression, and anxiety as well,
But they held no power to release her from this personal hell.
Through the worlds eyes this woman was a success,
Yet fame and fortune only added to her inner mess.
Her mind a whirlwind - never once taking a break,
Causing sleep deprivation, fatigue and severe headaches.
Nothing was special; nothing was new,
Ending her life seemed the only thing to do.
She reached out and picked up the receiver,
Her last call for help went out to a preacher.
"I'm tired of fighting and living with this strife,
I see no solution; tonight I'm ending my life."
She shuddered with disbelief when she heard him say,
"Praise the Lord! This is indeed a glorious day!
It's true, you should die, not physically- but to self.
Live for God, His path leads to true, everlasting wealth.
A wealth of love, peace, happiness and a life extremely abundant-
Receive Jesus Christ as Savior now, all you have to do is repent."
A new sensation stirred within her; something was very right!
"All you have to do is pray," he said and she did - with all her might.
"Jesus, I am a sinner, appalled by my own behavior.
Please forgive me, help me; I need you as Lord and Savior.
I do believe you died on the cross and rose from the grave,
For sinners such as I you died, so that you might save.
Fill me, Lord, with the Holy Spirit, and take me by the hand,
Lead me by your nail-scarred hand into the Promised Land.
Praying the prayer she experienced such a sweet release,
The darkness began to depart and her soul fell into peace.
Gone was the darkness that had brought her to her knees,
She fell into much needed slumber - her mind finally as ease.
She slept until morning and awoke freer than the freest man,
Her old self had died; and now she was born again!
"Good, Lord! It's morning!" a new cry filled her heart,
Her glorious walk with Christ Jesus was beginning to start.
by Robin Dearth
"Good lord it's morning," she awoke with a cry,
She lived in darkness despite the sun in the sky.
To arise seemed useless, like chasing the wind,
There seemed no prospect that her pain would end.
Seeing no reason to bother even getting out of bed,
She sank down low, pulling the covers over her head.
Bedside were pills for pain, depression, and anxiety as well,
But they held no power to release her from this personal hell.
Through the worlds eyes this woman was a success,
Yet fame and fortune only added to her inner mess.
Her mind a whirlwind - never once taking a break,
Causing sleep deprivation, fatigue and severe headaches.
Nothing was special; nothing was new,
Ending her life seemed the only thing to do.
She reached out and picked up the receiver,
Her last call for help went out to a preacher.
"I'm tired of fighting and living with this strife,
I see no solution; tonight I'm ending my life."
She shuddered with disbelief when she heard him say,
"Praise the Lord! This is indeed a glorious day!
It's true, you should die, not physically- but to self.
Live for God, His path leads to true, everlasting wealth.
A wealth of love, peace, happiness and a life extremely abundant-
Receive Jesus Christ as Savior now, all you have to do is repent."
A new sensation stirred within her; something was very right!
"All you have to do is pray," he said and she did - with all her might.
"Jesus, I am a sinner, appalled by my own behavior.
Please forgive me, help me; I need you as Lord and Savior.
I do believe you died on the cross and rose from the grave,
For sinners such as I you died, so that you might save.
Fill me, Lord, with the Holy Spirit, and take me by the hand,
Lead me by your nail-scarred hand into the Promised Land.
Praying the prayer she experienced such a sweet release,
The darkness began to depart and her soul fell into peace.
Gone was the darkness that had brought her to her knees,
She fell into much needed slumber - her mind finally as ease.
She slept until morning and awoke freer than the freest man,
Her old self had died; and now she was born again!
"Good, Lord! It's morning!" a new cry filled her heart,
Her glorious walk with Christ Jesus was beginning to start.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Looking Back
I was just sitting here looking back on my past blogs...ain't I precious? With the limited information I have been posting I should be one of the "greats" such as Catherine Marshall, Beth Moore...etc. No.
Every night I pray for my children...bless them mentally, physically, and spiritually. Same for my husband. Followed by specific trials they are dealing with, and praying for wisdom, His protection, and His guidance. Then I ask for God to heal me...beg Him to let me be the example I should be for those around me. To use my life to bring glory to Him and to lead others to Him. Yet, each day I struggle with the thorn in my side.
The thorn keeps one humble...though it drives you whacker-do! Why can't I remove it? I know I can't be perfect though that is my hearts desire. I pray for guidance, strengh, and forgiveness. But above all (which is my ego) I pray that You (God) are glorified!
Every night I pray for my children...bless them mentally, physically, and spiritually. Same for my husband. Followed by specific trials they are dealing with, and praying for wisdom, His protection, and His guidance. Then I ask for God to heal me...beg Him to let me be the example I should be for those around me. To use my life to bring glory to Him and to lead others to Him. Yet, each day I struggle with the thorn in my side.
The thorn keeps one humble...though it drives you whacker-do! Why can't I remove it? I know I can't be perfect though that is my hearts desire. I pray for guidance, strengh, and forgiveness. But above all (which is my ego) I pray that You (God) are glorified!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
"There's no Drama in Church!"
Over the past year our church that I have been going to for 42 years with the same Pastor, has been in a struggle. I don't want to go into details heck I don't really even know all the details. I just know that it's all wrong.
Thinking back to when we were a small congregation in Ft. Worth, we were family. All those people there were my family. I played softball on the youth teams, went to camp, South Dakota, Falls Creek Camp where I asked Jesus into my heart. The teachers, Pastor, Pastors Wife, Deacons, and Congregation were all such wonderful examples of the Christian life to me.
I remember being at one of the fellowship dinners that us Baptist are so well known for. Sitting there eating this heavenly food with my Christian brothers and sisters- it was so easy for God to show me how wonderful Heaven will be!
Then change set in. We moved to a new location in a different city to be able to grow and spread the Word to more people. Our Pastor, a great man and the best teaching pastor I have ever heard, suddenly was no longer Brother Such and Such...he became Dr. Such and Such. (I liked Brother Such and Such much better!)
Our core congregation suddenly started dropping off as sin infected the best of Gods children.
The goal was to reach more people, bring more people in, yet those there were no longer taken care as family are.
It's like we all, that's right, I am SO not to be left out of those that were infected with sin, were no longer loved by each other but judged by each other.
It all boiled down at the end of last year. So many different stories, actions, and bitter tales floating around.
Frustration filled the "worship" time. I had kept some of the information about what was going on to myself away from my husband, and teenage daughter, 16, because I wanted them to still be able to worship in the worship center. But the time came that I had to tell them what I knew, right or wrong.
My teenage daughter seemed to sum it up with her reaction. " Drama? In church? NO! There is not suppose to be drama in church! It's at school, I hear it with my friends, it's on television...but it is not supposed to be in church!"
From the mouths of babes...I couldn't agree more. Didn't we go there to praise our God and Jesus our saviour? What happened to them?
This is why my family goes, we are so grateful for Jesus' sacrifice, and for God...a God that gave up his only Son to save us...boy do we ever need it, and boy do we ever need to praise and worship them for it.
Thinking back to when we were a small congregation in Ft. Worth, we were family. All those people there were my family. I played softball on the youth teams, went to camp, South Dakota, Falls Creek Camp where I asked Jesus into my heart. The teachers, Pastor, Pastors Wife, Deacons, and Congregation were all such wonderful examples of the Christian life to me.
I remember being at one of the fellowship dinners that us Baptist are so well known for. Sitting there eating this heavenly food with my Christian brothers and sisters- it was so easy for God to show me how wonderful Heaven will be!
Then change set in. We moved to a new location in a different city to be able to grow and spread the Word to more people. Our Pastor, a great man and the best teaching pastor I have ever heard, suddenly was no longer Brother Such and Such...he became Dr. Such and Such. (I liked Brother Such and Such much better!)
Our core congregation suddenly started dropping off as sin infected the best of Gods children.
The goal was to reach more people, bring more people in, yet those there were no longer taken care as family are.
It's like we all, that's right, I am SO not to be left out of those that were infected with sin, were no longer loved by each other but judged by each other.
It all boiled down at the end of last year. So many different stories, actions, and bitter tales floating around.
Frustration filled the "worship" time. I had kept some of the information about what was going on to myself away from my husband, and teenage daughter, 16, because I wanted them to still be able to worship in the worship center. But the time came that I had to tell them what I knew, right or wrong.
My teenage daughter seemed to sum it up with her reaction. " Drama? In church? NO! There is not suppose to be drama in church! It's at school, I hear it with my friends, it's on television...but it is not supposed to be in church!"
From the mouths of babes...I couldn't agree more. Didn't we go there to praise our God and Jesus our saviour? What happened to them?
This is why my family goes, we are so grateful for Jesus' sacrifice, and for God...a God that gave up his only Son to save us...boy do we ever need it, and boy do we ever need to praise and worship them for it.
being lead by God,
What a Mansion She's in Now
I was on a lesson a couple months back with one of my couples I have taught off and on over the past few years. I'm not really sure how we got on the subject, but the man started talking about his mother and church. He explained how she didn't have a lot of money, but she was constantly sending in money to the different Preachers on televison. He told me how this made him so mad that they were just con artists.
It's funny but out of no where I had this vision of his mom who is now in Heaven, in one of the biggest mansions Jesus had prepared! I knew that whether these Preachers were con artist or not, her heart had given her money to God, and He saw it, loved it, and rewarded her accordingly!
As for those Preachers,just as with anything there are good and bad. I trust that God sees and knows and when the day comes they stand in front of Him they will get their just rewards.
Thanks You,Father that it's not my job to judge these people, it's Yours. You see all and know all so You handle this. My job is to worry about my relationship with You.
It's funny but out of no where I had this vision of his mom who is now in Heaven, in one of the biggest mansions Jesus had prepared! I knew that whether these Preachers were con artist or not, her heart had given her money to God, and He saw it, loved it, and rewarded her accordingly!
As for those Preachers,just as with anything there are good and bad. I trust that God sees and knows and when the day comes they stand in front of Him they will get their just rewards.
Thanks You,Father that it's not my job to judge these people, it's Yours. You see all and know all so You handle this. My job is to worry about my relationship with You.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I Have Decided to 2
In I Have Decided to 1 created 1/28/10, I talked a little on the viewpoint from the man's side (the leader) in I'm going to talked about my experiences from the woman's (the follower) viewpoint in dancing.
When I began training as a dance instructor I didn't have any experience at all in dancing the dances required in Ballroom and Country and Western Dancing. I applied for a job at one of the well known dance studios in my area, got the job and they began my training. The dance instructors there where all so nice and great dancers... I felt like such a clod when I danced with them!
After eight months working there I quit over some moral issues I had with them and got hired on at an independent dance studio in the city next to the old one. Before I got hired, however, the owner wanted to dance with me to see how far along I was in my training.
I was so scared, I never really thought that I was very good because I never danced good with the advanced instructors at the other studio. But man, when my-soon-to-be- new-boss turned the music on and came over and started dancing with me I was impressed with my dancing skills! I was awesome!
What was different? What made this drastic change in my dancing skills? Soon-to-be-new-boss was a fantastic leader! He lead me into turns and spins I never imagined I would be doing for at least another year! It was then I realized that the advanced dance instructors at the other studio were not good leaders! They were great dancers, but due to the fact that they were more of a competition studio they danced mostly "routines" therefore their leading abilities never developed like soon-to-be-bosses did!
In my christian journey, there have been times when I was just as surprised when I followed and let God lead me. How much more He could do if only I didn't allow my fears to worm their way into my noggin' and heart! Huh.
When I began training as a dance instructor I didn't have any experience at all in dancing the dances required in Ballroom and Country and Western Dancing. I applied for a job at one of the well known dance studios in my area, got the job and they began my training. The dance instructors there where all so nice and great dancers... I felt like such a clod when I danced with them!
After eight months working there I quit over some moral issues I had with them and got hired on at an independent dance studio in the city next to the old one. Before I got hired, however, the owner wanted to dance with me to see how far along I was in my training.
I was so scared, I never really thought that I was very good because I never danced good with the advanced instructors at the other studio. But man, when my-soon-to-be- new-boss turned the music on and came over and started dancing with me I was impressed with my dancing skills! I was awesome!
What was different? What made this drastic change in my dancing skills? Soon-to-be-new-boss was a fantastic leader! He lead me into turns and spins I never imagined I would be doing for at least another year! It was then I realized that the advanced dance instructors at the other studio were not good leaders! They were great dancers, but due to the fact that they were more of a competition studio they danced mostly "routines" therefore their leading abilities never developed like soon-to-be-bosses did!
In my christian journey, there have been times when I was just as surprised when I followed and let God lead me. How much more He could do if only I didn't allow my fears to worm their way into my noggin' and heart! Huh.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Shut up, Old Woman!
The new testament says that when a person is born again the old person is gone and the new enters in. I think the Old Person dosen't go away, due to the fact that "the curse" (sin) she is always present. As a new christian I know am filled with the Holy Ghost, but I have to "be still and listen..." to hear His teachings, revelations. Otherwise the "Old Woman" is ALWAYS going to jump in trying to get me to make her happy and not my Lord.
I must remind myself each morning to watch for her trying to butt in as I walk my journey with God. To tell her to "Shut up Old Woman...I am listening to my Lord."
I must remind myself each morning to watch for her trying to butt in as I walk my journey with God. To tell her to "Shut up Old Woman...I am listening to my Lord."
daily walk,
Ima Lamb,
Old Woman,
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