Greetings, or as we say in Texas, "howdy."

Welcome to my blog. Grab yourself a cup of coffee, or tea and relax and enjoy watching my walk with God. Daily insights, thoughts, revelations, and frustrations in the life of lil' ol' me, Ima Lamb.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Have Decided to 2

In I Have Decided to 1 created 1/28/10, I talked a little on the viewpoint from the man's side (the leader) in I'm going to talked about my experiences from the woman's (the follower) viewpoint in dancing.

When I began training as a dance instructor I didn't have any experience at all in dancing the dances required in Ballroom and Country and Western Dancing. I applied for a job at one of the well known dance studios in my area, got the job and they began my training. The dance instructors there where all so nice and great dancers... I felt like such a clod when I danced with them!

After eight months working there I quit over some moral issues I had with them and got hired on at an independent dance studio in the city next to the old one. Before I got hired, however, the owner wanted to dance with me to see how far along I was in my training.

I was so scared, I never really thought that I was very good because I never danced good with the advanced instructors at the other studio. But man, when my-soon-to-be- new-boss turned the music on and came over and started dancing with me I was impressed with my dancing skills! I was awesome!

What was different? What made this drastic change in my dancing skills? Soon-to-be-new-boss was a fantastic leader! He lead me into turns and spins I never imagined I would be doing for at least another year! It was then I realized that the advanced dance instructors at the other studio were not good leaders! They were great dancers, but due to the fact that they were more of a competition studio they danced mostly "routines" therefore their leading abilities never developed like soon-to-be-bosses did!

In my christian journey, there have been times when I was just as surprised when I followed and let God lead me. How much more He could do if only I didn't allow my fears to worm their way into my noggin' and heart! Huh.

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