1 = tie
2 = Noah
3 = mom
4 = rye
5 = law
Wonder what in the world is going on here? I'm getting serious. The devil knows the Bible all too well, as a christian I should know it just as well. For self defense. The 1-5 is a technique I learned in Harry Lorrayne's book Super Memory Super Student.
We are going to learn to associate a number with a picture. 1 looks like a T so we are going to use the picture tie. 2, n has two down stokes so lets use the word Noah to represent 2. 3, the letter m has three down strokes so we will use the word mom for 3. 4, the word FOUR ends in a R so lets use the word rye for number four. Finally, 5. The Roman number for 50 is L so lets make 5 the word law.
Now that I've confused you lets memorize the first five books of the Old Testament in the Holy Bible. Ready? Good!
Genesis is the first book in the bible. Lets use word association for the word Genesis. It sounds like Jenn (short for Jennifer) is this doesn't it? Now picture a tie (#1)with a face and long eyelashes (which represents our cartoon person Jenn). Close your eyes a few minutes and picture this.
Now, lets go a little faster with the rest. Here's what I worked up for you:
Exodus is the second book in the Bible. Sounds like "excite us." Noah is the picture word for the #2. Picture this...Noah excites us (we're on the ark with him) when he tells us the flood is over. Close your eyes picture this.
Leviticus is the third book. Remember 3 is the word picture mom. Mom brings levi's (jeans) to us.Close eyes and picture it.
Numbers is the forth book. Rye is the word picture for us. (It could be rye bread)
Picture loaves of rye bread shaped like numbers. Picture it.
Last but not least...Deuteronomy. The word picture for 5 is law...what will the law do to Ron and Me. Picture it.
What's the 3rd book in the Bible? Hint: 3 is mom.
What's the 5th book in the Bible? Hint: 5 is law.
What's the 1st book? No more hints, sorry.
The 4th book of the Bible is....
The 2nd book of the Bible is....
Did you do it? GOOD!
When teaching my students to dance I have a saying, "Repetition is your friend! Quote, unquote, Robin Dearth." When you have free time driving, washing dishes, or laying in bed at night, go over this.
I don't know about ya'll...but I'm excited!
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