Greetings, or as we say in Texas, "howdy."

Welcome to my blog. Grab yourself a cup of coffee, or tea and relax and enjoy watching my walk with God. Daily insights, thoughts, revelations, and frustrations in the life of lil' ol' me, Ima Lamb.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Have Decided to 1

I owned a dance studio for 18 years and taught Country Western Dancing, Ballroom Dancing, Swing, Salsa, etc. From the very beginning of my dance instructor training I was fascinated over the lead/follow aspect of dancing. How did the woman know what the man wanted her to do? How did the man relay this information without even speaking one word to the woman?

This was my thoughts as I watched experienced dancers gliding and spinning around the floor before I knew how to dance myself. After my training and as I began to become a better dancer myself I began to see how important it was that as the follower; 1)I became sensitive to reading my partners lead, 2) to not try to "help" my partner, 3) forget trying to guess what moves my partner was going to do next, 4) familiarize myself with the different patterns, and 5) practice, practice, practice.

When you are a dance instructor you learn both parts, the mans (who leads) and the woman's (who always tries to lead-but isn't suppose to because her job is to follow) so you can teach a couple. So as I was dancing on the mans side leading, I saw how important it is that; 1) I learn to be a strong leader, 2) I am aware of my partners strengths and weaknesses 3)that I have a "plan" which pattern I am setting up so that I may lead with confidence,4)develop a wide variety of patterns to "show off" my partner and to be able to maneuver around the dance floor and,5)practice, practice, practice.

Throughout these years God taught me so much about the lead/follow relationship. First, I am going to share with you my viewpoint as the leader.

I knew that once a female student had learned the basic step of a dance and the timing, that I could lead her into a few advanced steps if she would let me. It would be frustrating when I was dancing with a lady and she was constantly trying to lead herself around a corner or even worse - would completely quit moving her feet as I tried to do a different dance step with her.

However, the students that listened to me when I told them to "move their feet to the pattern and to the timing and just look precious...that's your job...I'll do the rest," where in for a wonderful suprise! I could take them into spins and turns that they had never ever imagined possible at this level in their dancing lessons!

As the leader I knew I could "show them off" if they would only allow me to lead and not "help" at all.

I know this is how God feels. If I would quit helping, let Him lead because He knows the plan He has for me, He could use me to glorify His name and spread His love to those around.

As the leader in dancing when my partner bobbles a step, if they keep going I can get them back on track. God can adjust and conqere when I mess long as we let Him, trust Him, and keep going.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I am the Clay

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Today I was looking out my window enjoying this beautiful, sunny January day we're having here in Texas, as I washed the dirty dishes in my kitchen sink. I watched as the red tip bushes in my backyard swayed back and forth from the winds gentles nudging. I smiled at the sight of our ever- so- faithful, yet spastic beagle, Buckeye...I did tell you I'm married to a yankee didn't I? (Guess where he's from by our dogs name!) Anyway, little Buckeye was darting back and forth from one end of the yard to the other in a streak of brown and black blur. Suddenly, out of no where the old church hymn Have Thine Own Way, Lord by Adelaide A. Pollard, popped into my little noggin.

Actually, it was the verse "Thou art the potter, I am the clay! Mold me and make me After thy will, While I am waiting, Yielded and still" that popped up. I had this mental picture of God carefully and tenderly at the "potters wheel" molding me (as I pray every night that He would do) into the Christian woman He wants me to be. I saw myself standing by His side watching like a gleeful child giggling, clapping her hands together, jumping up and down in eager anticipation as she watched her father put together something she had so longed to receive. Then I saw myself step in and "help" doing this and that to His work. He said nothing just stepped back with the patience of a god, or at least the patience my God is known for and let me do my thing- which was mess up his work that I asked him to do in the first place!

I get so impatient because I want to already be this Christian woman, yet, how much faster would God be able to do His work and "mold" me if I would just stay out of the way! And why the heck is it so dern hard?
Oh, I know it's the "curse," sin, human nature, free will and all that- it just felt good to rant and rave for a second. So I just have to be patient and wait to see the end product "when the roll is called up yonder" 'cause I will be there and finally complete.